Permaculture Calendar winners announced

Last month we ran a competition for some creative comments explaining why readers would like a copy of the Permaculture Calendar. Congratulations to Beck, Anri, Justin, Charlie and Liz. You’ll be getting your calendars soon.

Beck wrote: “Yo! Permies! Wanna lowdown bout germies, and da wormies; that’s all good? Calendar brings it; whole world sings it! Gotta start in your own hood!”
Justin wrote: “Lifelong organic gardener, current urban farmer. I have been unknowingly applying permaculture techniques throughout my life, and understand the importance of their earth healing principles as we move from the age of oil to the age of soil”
Charlie wrote: “Permaculture weaves webs, integrating togetherness, separating strands of happiness for us to observe and interact, storing energy, creating yields in patterns, details which eyes behold”
Anri wrote: “Ma’moon speaks silver tongue wisdom for my greening thumb earthy good connection flow with luminary glow inviting life to grow in my life too, please”

The 2014 Permaculture Calendar Includes daily icons and moon phase times to guide your planting.
The 2014 Permaculture Calendar Includes daily icons and moon phase times to guide your planting.

Liz wrote:

P  Perfectly
E  Environmental
R  Really
M  Moonish
A  A
C  Calendar
U  U
L  Love
T  To
U  Use that
R  Really
E  Educates

The Permaculture Calendar is Beautiful, Practical and Educational. It includes a moon planting guide that will help you get your garden in sync with the moon, while learning the principles of permaculture.

You can get your own copy from our online store.