The permaculture design principles

Principles are rockin’

Charlie Mgee and Katrina Button of the Formidable Vegetable Sounds System
Charlie Mgee and Katrina Button of the Formidable Vegetable Sounds System

The Formidable Vegetable Sound System are turnip’n up the radish beets and rocket’n the planet with their indelible ditties & rhymes illustrating the 12 principles of permaculture in various musical styles ranging from ‘climate-change reggae’ to ‘peak-oil polka’.

After touring the US Charlie and the crew have hit Europe and the UK with a number of gigs and workshops before their biggest gig yet… Glastonbury, with the Rolling Stones and Nick Cave amongst others. Then there’s the Shambhala music festival in Canada in August and plans are in motion for an event later in November in Cuba for the 11th International Permaculture Congress. You can find out more about upcoming shows and what he’s up from their website.


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Read more about the article Expose your Permaculture project in 2014
Eating the school gardens Students are continuously sharing the food from their school garden which they designed and built with the school community. We have a harvest celebration, a bringing together of all classes to harvest the fresh organic produce, cook and share a meal together, a meal full of health, colour, flavour and students’ pride. Everything we do within the Edible School Gardens program is integrated - it is all in a cycle, nothing wasted, all systems supporting each other. Leonie Shanahan

Expose your Permaculture project in 2014

Would you like the opportunity to feature as an example of one of the 12 design principles on the Permaculture Principles website and in the Permaculture Calendar? Note: Submissions for…

Continue ReadingExpose your Permaculture project in 2014