Feature your project in the Permaculture Calendar

Each year we update the website with twelve fresh images to illustrate the principles. These photos were submitted from people around the world and were selected to feature in the 2016 Permaculture Calendar. Now we are looking for the next twelve.

We are always on the lookout for images to help give a wider interpretation of how the design principles can be applied. All of the images used on the principle pages have been included in previous Permaculture Calendars, which is now in it’s 8th incarnation.

This website has been designed as a starting point for people who are interested in exploring what permaculture is all about, as well as a place where practitioners can get a better sense of how the principles can be applied. It’s an ideal spot to expose projects that demonstrate permaculture thinking to the hundreds of thousands of people that visit the site each year, as well as the many thousands more who see the calendar up in people homes and offices.

Interested in submitting your own images?

From previous experience it’s good to set yourself an exercise of taking a photo to illustrate a particular principle. This could be a good exercise for permaculture teachers to set students, or a local permaculture group? Permaculture Northern Beaches in Sydney ran a photo competition with the ‘Stalled by the Roadside’ image selected for the 2016 calendar.

If you think that you may have something, point me to your online photo library or email me your images and I’ll let you know if there is a possibility or two. Photos with people and/or animals in them tend to fare well as they help bring images to life. I’m after photos (or illustrations) in landscape format that are high resolution jpeg files (around 3000 x 4000 pixels), so that they can be printed at over A4 size. Email your submissions to [email protected] before the 15th of June 2016.

If your image is selected as the cover for the Permaculture Calendar you’ll receive twelve copies, a further eleven selections will receive four copies along with links and credits – a small token of thanks for successful contributions. Think of the exposure it will bring to your project.

For inspiration, check out the collection on each of the design principle pages. Happy snapping!

Richard Telford

2009 Permaculture Calendar2010 Permaculture Calendar2011 Permaculture Calendar2012 Permaculture Calendar2013 Permaculture Calendar2014 Permaculture Calendar2015 Permaculture Calendar