Essence of Permaculture

A summary of permaculture concept and principles taken from Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability by David Holmgren.

It contains an introduction to permaculture, thoughts about the future of the movement and the values and use of the permaculture principles. A great way to expand your knowledge in preparation for the full length book. This PDF eBook contains interactivity that is best viewed using Adobe Reader.

Available in the following languages – free to download and share.

If you wish to share these downloads please use the links above, which will ensure the most up to date versions are downloaded, and include a credit which links to the Holmgren Design website.

Please contact us if you can help translate the Essence of Permaculture into a language not listed here.

There is also an ePub version of the Essence of Permaculture in full colour at minimal cost. It’s got added functionality that is best suited to mobile electronic reading devices like Android tablets, the iPad and smartphones. This file can also be viewed on your computer using iBooks on the Mac or free readers such as Adobe’s Digital Editions.

If you’re after a hard copy, then check out the Essence booklet. Popular with teachers who run PDC’s and introductory courses.

Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles Poster

See the permaculture concept illustrated with this free poster for you to print

The permaculture concept is so broad in it’s scale that it can be a real challenge to explain to new comers. The Ethics and Design Principles poster is a great teaching tool to present to students, or a reference to help you memorise the icons names. Suggested size A3 and above, but can be printed at any size without loss of quality.

Usage: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works. To view a copy of this license, click here.

Available in the following languages – free to download and share.

Permaculture Flower Poster

See how permaculture can be applied with this free poster for you to print out

The Permacuture Flower poster is a great teaching tool to present to students, or as a reference. The flower illustrates how the permaculture journey, begining with the ethics and design principles, moves through the key domains required to create a sustainable culture. Examples of specific fields, design systems and solutions are listed to help understand the concept. Suggested size A3 and above, but can be printed at any size without loss of quality.

Usage: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works. To view a copy of this license, click here

Available as a PDF in the following languages – free to download and share.

Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles image

You can copy the following code to reproduce the image into your website, which links to the principles web page. Change the size of the image by altering ‘width =’ number to the pixel size required. Alternatively, you can right click and save the image to your computer for use in documents. Please ensure that you acknowledge the source of the image to – Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 AU

<a href=""><img decoding="async" title="Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles" src="" alt="Permaculture Ethics and Design Principles" width="1024" border="0" /></a>

Permaculture Principle Song Lyrics & Chords

Learn the 12 principle songs from the album Permaculture: A Rhymer’s Manual

You can watch Charlie Mgee perform each of these songs on the design principles pages by clicking the icons at the top of this page. You can purchase a download of the album here.

Principle 1: ‘Look Around’                                          
Principle 2: ‘Energy’                                                    
Principle 3: ‘Yield’
Principle 4: ‘Limits’
Principle 5: ‘Oil’
Principle 6: ‘Waste’

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