Would you like the opportunity to feature as an example of one of the 12 design principles on the Permaculture Principles website and in the Permaculture Calendar?
Note: Submissions for the 2014 calendar are now closed. Have a think about a photo for 2015…
With around 150,000 unique visitors to the site over the past year, and a sell out of the 2013 Permaculture Calendar, your photo submission could reach a huge audience of people interested in Permaculture. It’s a great way to promote a project that you’ve been involved in, or to share an observation that you’ve made, and contribute to the wider permaculture community.

Along with high exposure to your peers, photographer’s that are selected will receive 4 copies of the calendar for each photo used along with a link to the featured project and the photographer’s website. If your contribution is used on the cover you’ll receive 12 copies of the calendar as a small token of gratitude for your efforts.
The Permaculture Ethics have been integrated into the design and production of the calendar and net proceeds from the sale of all products from this website are tithed to Permafund – supporting permaculture project internationally. You can see how contributions are featured on the website here, and more information about our 2013 Calendar here.
If you can take, or have already taken, great photos that illustrates permaculture in action then I’d love to see them.
Why not submit a selection of thumbnail images or point me to your online photo library? It’s important that you are, or have permission from, the photographer in order to make a submission. If suitable photo/s are found I will require a few paragraphs about them so that I can see how they relate to the design principles, along with permission from people that are clearly recognisable in the shot. Tip: I love photos with people and/or animals in them. Selected photos will be used in landscape format and must be supplied as high resolution jpeg files (around 3000 x 4000 pixels), in order to be printed at over A4 size.
So, what are you waiting for? Get snapping, submissions must be made before the end of June 2013. Email your submissions to richard(at)permacultureprinciples.com – replace (at) with @
Richard Telford