Human ingenuity used to transform energy from our environment to more useful resources
Reuse & creative recycling: Decentralised and context specific reuse of materials through craft, rather than centralised industrial processes.
Hand tools: Recovery and maintenance of traditional tools and skills.
Bicycles & electric bikes: Human powered and assisted transport that improves the efficiency of the human body.
Efficient & low pollution wood stoves: Rocket and other stove designs using simple materials and local construction.
Fuels from organic wastes: Bio-diesel, methanol, biogas and wood gas for local cooking, electricity and transport.
Wood gasification: Efficient and carbon neutral fuel for local electric power and vehicle transport.
Bio-char from forest wastes: Charcoal soil improver and carbon capture.
Co-generation: Use of fuel to generate electricity and provide heat for on-site use.
Micro-hydro & small scale wind: Simple renewable technologies for remote and local grid power.
Grid-tied renewable power generation: Use of the electric grid as a “battery” for localised power generation.
Energy storage: Heat banks, pumped storage (water), compressed air, and other simple temporary stores of energy.
Transition engineering: Re-localisation of the maintenance, retrofit and redesign of infrastructure and technology.