Permaculture Pioneer Robin Clayfield

Robin ClayfieldA little bit about Robin

Robin Clayfield is a respected facilitator, trainer, author and musician with a passion for creative, interactive group work, permaculture, deep ecology, transition, empowerment work and ceremony. She taught over 30 PDCs from the late eighties through the nineties, created and taught Advanced Permaculture Creative Teachers Facilitation courses with Skye, led many Women’s Wisdom weekends and has presented an amazing diversity of leading edge educational and transformative programs. She now focusses on her Dynamic Groups trainings, consultancy and specialist workshops and co-trains the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course for permaculture teachers and others in creative and sustainability industries.

Robin is the founder of Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning, a holistic learning methodology and workshop program and runs her business Earthcare Education. She facilitates at conferences and festivals and offers her consultancy work and courses all around Australia and by invitation in other countries. Robin has birthed three books, including You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too and a CD of guided journeys set to music. She also finds time to play in a band, potter in the garden, be involved in community organisations, home educate her teenage son and be a Grandma.

Permaculture Pioneers: stories from the new frontierA Permaculture Pioneer

Robin Clayfield is one of the 26 contributors to Permaculture Pioneers – stories from the new frontier. In this short interview, she talks about how she  realised that it was time to stop saying no to the things that we don’t want, and yes to the things that we do want.  She felt that a different approach to teaching was needed, standing with rather than over the students, and so she and Skye developed and influential creative manual for ways to teach permaculture.

Permaculture Pioneers features the stories of some of Australia’s most respected permies facing many challenges in applying and teaching permaculture. With this book, the next generation of educators and practitioners may stand on the shoulders of our permaculture pioneers.

10% of all sales of Permaculture Pioneers whether in print form, or eBook form, continue to go to Permafund, supporting Permaculture projects around the world especially those that assist with resilience in the developing world and in places of extreme need. So why not purchase a copy and dip into the stories of these inspiring early adopters.

shop_permaculture_and_eat_it_800sYou can have your Permaculture and eat it too!

Robin Clayfield has recently printed the third edition of this classic book. It’s got plenty of ideas on how you can make the most of your garden produce as well as a swag of other ideas. “A cook book for gardeners, a gardening book for cooks.” Check it out.