A collection of various permaculture links related people, projects and organisations.

co-originators of permaculture:

David Holmgren (1955-)
David Holmgren’s website offers articles, presentations, various publications as well as information on projects, courses and tours. All of his publications are available from our Australian and US stores.

Bill Mollison (1928-2017)
Bill Mollison has inspired countless people to take action. He has published various books including Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual, and made articles available on the site. Also see Bill’s profile in theextraordinary.org and an audio recording of one of his original Permaculture Design Courses from 1983.

also see the work of:

Masanobu Fukuoka (1913-2008)
Worked over 65 years to develop a system of natural farming. Wrote The One-Straw Revolution in 1975, a best-selling book that described his life’s journey, his philosophy, and farming techniques. Mollison writes “perhaps the most significant book on permanent agriculture”.

Howard T Odum (1924-2002)
Known for his pioneering work on ecosystem ecology, Odum’s work was a strong influence on systems thinking in David Holmgren’s book Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability, which is dedicated to him.

PA Yeomans (1904-1984)
Australian inventor known for the Keyline system for the development of land and increasing the fertility of that land.

Sepp Holzer (1942-)
Pioneered the use of ecological farming / permaculture techniques at high altitudes in Austria which he has been practicing since 1962. See his book Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture.

permaculture magazines:

Pip – Australian Permaculture Magazine
Published three times a year, Pip is a place for people and groups to connect and share ideas, knowledge and experience, and stay in touch with what is happening around Australia. Available from our Australian and US stores.

Permaculture Magazine – UK
Published quarterly, it features practical, thought provoking articles on organic gardening, sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, alternative technology, eco-arictecture, personal and community development and much more.

Permaculture Magazine – North America

Published quarterly, it focuses on issues relating specifically to the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Offering high-quality educational articles, reader solutions, examples of permaculture successes, connections to local workshops, and advertisements from regional businesses that operate from a triple-bottom line.

Permaculture Design Magazine – USA (formerly Permaculture Activist)
Published quarterly, it’s North America’s leading (& the world’s longest-lived) permaculture periodical, with information about all things permaculture and many practical solutions to the challenges of life in an age of energy decline and Peak Everything. Available from our Australian and US stores.

permaculture organisations:

Permaculture Australia
Contains news, articles, social networking, info on Accredited Permaculture Training (APT) and Permafund. Also includes a list of permaculture groups around Australia.

Australia – Permaculture Tasmania
Sharing skills, knowledge, social wealth and creating a network throughout Tasmania – and beyond.

Australia – Permaculture Victoria
An umbrella organisation supporting a range of local and special interest groups with membership across Victoria.

Australia – Permaculture West Australia

Permaculture in United Kingdom
Home of the UK permaculture network & the Permaculture Association (Britain) with links to international permaculture groups and extensive resources.

Permaculture in New Zealand
A national hub in promoting and empowering permaculture education, activism and advocacy in Aotearoa NZ.

Instituto Argentino de Permacultura Permaculture in Argentina

Permaculture in Austria

Permaculture in Brazil

Permaculture project in Peru at the Paititi Institute

Contains regularly updated news from a wide range of authors along with links to various other permaculture related sites.

collaborative efforts / events / tools:

A encyclopedic definition of permaculture with many references and links.

A living and growing collaborative effort to facilitate the exchange of information about permaculture, sustainability, environmentalism and organic gardening and farming. A resource for permaculture designers, teachers, activists, students and everyone else!

Worldwide Permaculture Network
A growing interactive database that’s showcasing the solutions-based work being implemented by permaculture projects and practitioners worldwide.

We The Trees: Crowdfunding platform
A crowdfunding platform that helps connect those with the desire and the designs to those with the resources, to help make permaculture, sustainability, social and educational endeavors become a reality.

Tools for a Future
MyPlants – A free software product that helps you research and catalogue all your trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants.

Permie Kids
An education website that empowers individuals, families, groups, schools, and communities in learning and life. Building a community that collaborates and shares knowledge, lesson ideas, and experiences with one another to enrich the learning for all.

energy descent and climate change information:

The Oil Drum
Facilitating civil, evidence-based discussion about energy and its impact on our future.

Future Scenarios
An essay by David Holmgren that looks at the cultural implications of peak oil and climate change.

Post Carbon Institute
Providing individuals, communities, businesses, and governments with the resources needed to understand and respond to the interrelated economic, energy, environmental, and equity crises that define the 21st century.

Post Carbon Cities
Providing resources on energy and climate change, designed specifically for the people who work with and for local governments.

responses to energy descent and climate change:


Highlighting the ongoing and incremental changes we can make to our built, biological and behavioural landscapes. Focused on David Holmgren’s home territory; Melbourne, Victorian regional towns and more generally southern Australia, the suburban retrofit concepts have national and global application.

Transition Network
Supporting community-led responses to climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap energy, building resilience and happiness.

Information and news on how to build a world of resilient communities (formerly energybulletin.net)

A Melbourne based organisation that has been set up to help people get together and have fun learning about, designing and implementing suburban permaculture systems.

Seed Savers Network
Dedicated to the preservation of the genetic basis of our food supply, seedsavers can help you get involved with or start up your own local seed saver’s network.

Plants for a Future
A resource centre for rare and unusual plants, particularly those which have edible, medicinal or other uses.

Kitchen Gardeners International
Empowering individuals, families, and communities to achieve greater levels of food self-reliance through the promotion of kitchen gardening, home-cooking, and sustainable local food systems.

Green Home Project
A well documented retrofitting project in Canada that transforms a 50’s style energy guzzler to an energy efficient and resource conserving home.

Retrofitting your home
A guide on how to retrofit your home with respected permaculture practitioner Rosemary Morrow.

Sustainable Projects
Michael Mobbs has been a pioneer of ‘sustainable living’ and is based in Sydney.

Solar House virtual tour at Mt Best
A great example of how to live more lightly on the planet using some innovative design solutions, including a super efficient chest fridge conversion.

The Restart Project
Helping people learn to repair their own electronics in community events and in workplaces, and speak publicly about repair and resilience.


Sustainable World Radio
Bringing you in-depth interviews, news, and commentary about creative, exciting, and innovative ways of living.

Happen Films
The aim of Happen Films is to showcase and demonstrate inspiring solutions to the multiple global crises we’re facing today.


Eco Thrifty Life
New Zealand based permaculture activist Nelson Lebo and his family share their adventures into living lightly but full lives.

Transition Culture
Founder of the ‘transitions movement’, Rob Hopkins’ blog that has daily updates. It’s topical, amusing, engaging and explores the emerging transition model in its many manifestations.

Abdallah House
Home of the Permaculture Principles website and the Permaculture Calendar, the house embodies the ethics and design principles to transform a run down old bungalow on a small suburban block, to a showcase in sustainable design.

Providing free online resources & offering world-class training in home gardening, beekeeping, natural building, permaculture and regenerative agriculture – skills that give you the confidence to create permanently sustainable systems.

The Greening of Gavin
An ordinary Australian man who has a green epiphany whilst watching a documentary and transforms his life, keeping an incredible record of his journey.

Permaculture Ideas
A vast resource for those looking for an introduction, inspiration or to further their understanding on the matter.


PRI Permaculture Forum
Permaculture discussion forum set up by the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia.

Aussies Living Simply
Working towards the creation a sustainable future by becoming more self-reliant.

Discussion forum on all matter of topics, with a huge collection of posts. The main site also includes links to permaculture related articles, videos and podcasts.


The Permaculture Podcast with Scott Mann
Scott interviews permaculture practitioners with a focus on activities within the United States, but he often extends beyond to actions around the world. Scott’s approach draws our attention to the behavioural changes that we can make, rather than just the physical.

Permaculture Voices with Diego
Diego’s focus in his interviews is on successful permaculture business. “Can you make a living from a career that aligns with your values? We believe you can.”

Peak Prosperity with Chris Martenson
Chris talks with his focus on economics, and getting an understanding of how the monetary system is failing us – and how and why we need to embrace permaculture to live prosperous lives.